18Friends 558Fans
female Saint Joseph, MO, United States
About me... I'm 24, engaged, Stay-at-home 'wife' at the moment. I love photography and I'm a Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay!

MK: www.marykay.com/pcorrell
Blog: wildgypsygirl.blogspot.com/
WildGypsyGirl is
14 years ago
just *slightly* addicted to tumblr. :-D
WildGypsyGirl says
14 years ago
irritated with snow. Irritated with not feeling well. Just... irritated.
WildGypsyGirl says
14 years ago
sims 2 + HP items = AWESOME. :-D
WildGypsyGirl says
14 years ago
no babysitting tonight apparently, and I finished my Dancing Dragon drawing. Now what to do....
WildGypsyGirl says
14 years ago 1
sending my thoughts to those in the pacific. Wish I had a better way to get a hold of a dear friend in Japan. :-(
WildGypsyGirl says
14 years ago
soooo bored! *falls over*
WildGypsyGirl says
14 years ago
so sleepy, but don't want to sleep. :-( Really hating this.. 9 day schedule of Ben's :-(
WildGypsyGirl thinks
14 years ago 1
I'll be drawing, and probably playing NutsyBolts again tonight. :-D
WildGypsyGirl shares
14 years ago
well I was GOING to share my latest drawing, but plurk doesn't want to let me upload. Soooo visit fav.me/d3aqdvl :-D
WildGypsyGirl is
14 years ago