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Muslim Filipina~
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#AboutToGraduateNa #InshaaAllah
can be #Honest #Annoying #Slow
#DailyLifeRambles & #PlurksMayContainSomeIslamicStuff
7 years ago
i just told me mom na - it's not the 1st that i was alone in the college.. like tuwing naghhntay pauwi sa driver.. now she's suddenly feeling scared.. Audhu billah~ is it that bad?? sa tagal ba naman na pangyayare, im actually feeling comfy now.. (wave_okok) ha ha haaaah~
7 years ago
i came to college - to revise for our midterm tomorrow.. but the motivation is not there </3 I've "wasted" 2 hours not doing anything. _-_ otteokaji? u.u
7 years ago
Yeterday's progress for coding... 👧 #Nov4,2017
Aiyah plays
7 years ago
I keep on forgetting to take a pic bago maglaro~ 😆😍 ااحمد لله I won a lot today~ whew! ahaha.. best sport ever!
7 years ago
the feels of: after everything had worked out.. then you have no more grudgy feeling to this parson~! ;3 meh- and the not guilty feeling for all those bad things that they made you curse! =)) coz it's actually truuuuu (highfive)
7 years ago
VAT is this guy trying to show meh~? HUH! i can't wait to get out of his life already!! Ya Rabbi pls give that to me as one of my graduation presents!
7 years ago
It's all within the prayers of your fathers & foregrandfathers ... parents and foregrandparents.
#NungNagmumuniAqKagabi haha.. #RandomPlurkLng :-)
7 years ago
now i am hating "rip" expression........ ×&@,#£¥×;× (app-poke) (app-hit) (app-snail) (app-bleed)
7 years ago
thanks for the break time plurk... gtg back to coding~
Aiyah wishes
7 years ago
to be carefree like a cat!!!