16Friends 26Fans
female Singapore
Eighteen'Weiai/AhKiss, sixteenth.
Lost of love.

Blog's @ kisses-ofyours.blogspot.com, do leave me a tag oh sweets. :-)
Weiai is
15 years ago
going mad. :@
Weiai is
15 years ago
spamming on her plurk :B HEHEHE.
Weiai is
15 years ago
plurking nonstop because she wants her karma to grow faster LOL
15 years ago
doesn't like to cry.
Weiai says
15 years ago
"Hi plurkie, I'm missing K.PYL veryvery muchie :-( And my xoxo's!"
15 years ago
fucking wants to have some food soon. Fugging hungry ):
Weiai wants
15 years ago
to have Mr Kelvin.PYL with her right now! D:
15 years ago 3
finally plurked after so long! My karma's dropping like nobody's business O:
Weiai says
15 years ago
she miss him.
Weiai says
15 years ago
she's really sad. And she miss him very much but..... :'-(