Article headline for this week: "Why winners are all losers!" OK, it's my pathetic attempt at linkbait, but you'll get it. Trust me...
Thanks to the web and it's myriad channels, stupidity now travels at light speed...
I wish there was a meaningful way of thanking all of the people I've met on the web who I hold in high regard. A back-link doesn't cut it...
Off to watch Gillingham versus Aston Villa in the FA Cup, hoping for a "giant killing", but I sort of like Villa. Hmm, quandary...
Back from a nice relaxing walk around the Derbyshire Peak District with a woman friend of mine...
Never _ever_ underestimate the power of presentation. Yes, you have a lot to say, some of which I suspect is good. But it's hard to read!
Just saw _yet another_ bikini-clad avatar on a MyBlogLog widget, which is _exactly_ why I said it was a bad idea from the very start...
The interwebs are strangely quiet today. Even more so than the festive period. Only a fool shouts in an empty room. So I'll keep quiet...
Also realizing that most of the URLs I saved for later reading, are in fact, mostly shit boring and / or plain stupid...
In a world rapid development cycles, free tools and mashups, is the "killer app" an anachronism?