Wayne Smallman
98Friends 53Fans
male Great Britain (UK)
I'm Wayne, the guy behind the Blah, Blah! Technology blog, which is about delivering technology commentary and opinion on the kind of technology trends that shape lives, shape businesses and shape the future…
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Bed time...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Is getting bombarded with photos of the various culinary variations of platanos. Enough!
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Off to the gym...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
OK, I'm out of here...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Doing research...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
I think I've wiped myself out at the gym. Wayne is waining...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Let's all hope 2009 is the year we collectively widen our cultural orifices with a brisk exchange of social fluids...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Off to the gym...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Going for a jog. I think...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Article title for next week: "Cloud Computing an electrical storm waiting to happen?"