Wayne Smallman
98Friends 53Fans
male Great Britain (UK)
I'm Wayne, the guy behind the Blah, Blah! Technology blog, which is about delivering technology commentary and opinion on the kind of technology trends that shape lives, shape businesses and shape the future…
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
I hit a major blogging milestone today. Don't expect me to tell you what it is (I don't discuss internal strategy), but I'm happy!
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Google Webmaster Tools reports some serious back-link fluctuations. I just can't see how they'd vary so massively month over month...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
To quote a wise man (Alan Hansen): indecision is final...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
I love ranking for: "alternative energy technologies". That's a top search phrase, if not well-trafficked...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Unless you know the cause of success, blind luck in business counts for nothing...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
It's finally happening; my "A blogging code of ethics" article will be rolling out imminently...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
I got a message from one of the guys at StumbleUpon about my article. Looks like they're serious about making StumbleUpon work right...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
Firefox went wonky "failed", so trying again. Thing is, I didn't even know it _was_ updating until the wheels came off...
Wayne Smallman
16 years ago
I get approx. 540 visits a month for: "what is technology" from the search engines. Higher than I'd expected...