15Friends 17Fans
male Durban, South Africa
You know that guy who seems to know where he is going and how he is going to get there. Ya, I'm not him.
WaseemD shares
15 years ago 1
Somali Pirates: Origins my latest almost-news post
WaseemD says
15 years ago
Did you hear robert mugabe didnt invite morgan tsangarai to his birthday party? Theres too much politics there
WaseemD says
15 years ago 8
well you know what brandy said
WaseemD wonders
15 years ago 10
how the date for easter weekend is decided
WaseemD asks
15 years ago 17
statsninja, how do these guys get all these special abilities in mybrute
WaseemD wonders
15 years ago 5
why people like coffee, it tastes horrible
15 years ago
Replurk AKz(ping.fm/eKgRW) bitter, the new plurk
WaseemD is
15 years ago 1
testing twitter to plurk integration. Thanks statsninja
WaseemD asks
15 years ago 5
statsninja how do i sync plurk with twitter
WaseemD says
15 years ago 1
Missing!!! 7 point lead and +11 goal difference. Last seen 8 days ago!