41Friends 40Fans
female Suffern, NY, United States
Jewelry designed by me for people like me. You can find it at and I love to work with natural materials to make one of a kind jewelry. Search for me on Twitter and Facebook!
Vizaniri says
14 years ago 2
back to the clean up. (wave)
Vizaniri says
14 years ago 6
looking for the place to donate some books, turns out not so simple. Our local library does not accept donations at the time.
Vizaniri says
14 years ago 3
(thinking)The plan is to finish the living room painting and start on the floor. With any luck, it will be finished by on the weekend. :-&
Vizaniri says
14 years ago 3
(banana_rock)(headspin)Good Morning!
Vizaniri says
14 years ago
I am cheating, skimping through 200+ messages - do not wont to MAAR them all. (wave)
Vizaniri says
14 years ago 3
(wave)Hello and Good Night! (wave)
Vizaniri says
14 years ago 3
Plurk deprivation! (gym) Still painting the rooms and moving furniture, fitting some art in between - made another painting for the bedroom.
Vizaniri is
14 years ago 3
(wave) (ninja) (ninja) (ninja)Plurking by a Good Night to 'ya all! Busy moving furniture and loosing karma - need a karma dance! (wave)
Vizaniri is
14 years ago 3
trying to go to bed early. My "allergy" is turning into a full blown cold (angry). Good Night you all! (wave)
Vizaniri says
14 years ago 4
(doh) Discovered that I have terrible alergy to dust. Not much fun when you are turning all house up side down! Alegra! (thinking)