5Friends 3Fans
female Indonesia
Simple girl who really loves to play guitar, loves any kind of music, loves to watch any kind of movie especially action, and really loves to read!!
Virzaa wonders
14 years ago 5
mana uni nana dah kga pulang2?
Virzaa wonders
14 years ago
mpok gue mana ya? blm pulang2 juga
Virzaa hopes
14 years ago 11
her iPod is coming back to her.. :'-(
Virzaa thinks
14 years ago
maybe my head is going to blow off..
Virzaa wants
14 years ago
to be health...
Virzaa feels
14 years ago 19
Campur aduk bgt hr ini. Seneng iya, cape iya, kesel iya, tau dah. Aneh2 aja
Virzaa says
14 years ago 4
yaudah sih.. bodo amat -_____-
Virzaa hates
14 years ago 5
di plurk temennya dikit bgt :-(
Virzaa thinks
14 years ago 2
kalau baru awal2 karma cpet bgt ya naiknya...
Virzaa is
14 years ago
baru pulang dari TMII.. Asik jg study tour hari ini.. hihi