I resign myself t0 thingking. >.~
Everytime i h0ld y0u near, y0u always say the w0rds i l0ve t0 hear.. >.^
@ HAG0N0Y bulacan.. Change of place again...ö
Tr0ubles + success + pr0blems + happines + bitterness + family and friends + heartache = life..ö
H0mesickness strikes.. I was crying.huhu.. Nagresign ung laki k0 ka kwenthan.. Sigh..
Takte! Why d0n't y0u let me finish bago ka magsalita eh! Sigh... I s0meh0w realease my tenti0ns by p0sting status...aight.. Feel better..ö
0ut of reach x0 far, i never had ure heart, out of reach c0udn't see we were never ment t0 be. ^^,
Wiiìh... Had attended a mass.. Nakayanang gumicng ng madaling araw..aight...
Ang buhay ng christian0 ax tunay na masaya amen, tunay na masaya amen...gbu all..