203Friends 37Fans
male Toronto, ON, Canada
That guy everyone 'knows', but no one really /knows/...
Canadian weirdo, makes horrid first impressions, socially awkward, highly creative and go nicely with a side of maple syrup. Also I bench press MOOSE & fat Loki cats. #LokiSTRONK
4 years ago 3
Been up all night with ulcer/migraine combo that lead to another bout of violent throwing up. On and off got some fever dreams, the last sent me into a panic attack. Dream Im so sick dad takes me to the hoapital, i have a little cough from throwing up so much now... you can see where this is headed...
4 years ago 7
Its a beautiful day to be canadian ladies and gentlemans ❤️ its 13°c or 54°F, theres a lovely breeze, the sun is shining and our province has light lifted some covid restrictions. Everyone is out, still in small pods, the air smells like BBQ and dads getting his fishing license today so he can gtf outta the house now XD
4 years ago 2
Does apple juice give anyone else gut pain? Or just me >_> i take like 1-3 small sips of apple juice (most brands) and instantly my stomach hurts. WTF im tryina be healthy!!
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
Makin bone broth and stew today/tonight for dinner & week long sippin :-D BB V is in the house
4 years ago 12
Mesh clothing makers on my TL, I've a favor to ask. May I have your best link to like.. 'rigged clothing making 101' and tips and tricks for like.. armpits and crotches.. How to mesh them to move but also not look dumb. It's a BIG ask.. But trust me, if you ever wanted to see me thrive in mesh, nows the time to help. ^_^ <3
4 years ago 24
Update: East cost atlantic canada. Dad and I are fine. Hes still working once a week it does stress me but we need money & his exposure risk is low. (Delivers hello fresh) we dont get out much. Were working surprisingly well together. I dont get out often & stay in the van as much as i can to stay unexposed.
4 years ago 6
5 years ago 2
Happy what the fuck ever you celebrate. Hold your loved ones close and let them know how much they mean to you. Reach out to friends you’ve not talked to in a while, hell even the ones you have. Hug your pets extra close. Eat that extra cookie. Live a little. Have a happy everything, everyone
5 years ago 11
Hello. This hot mess is here. I’m not saying I’m back. I’m not making promises. I’m shit with social media and even just saying hi to people because I’m still just as elusive and self depreciating as ever. [emo236]
5 years ago 23
SL SLink mens body question: Updating to the new Redux body and am i just... blind or are there no body alphaing abilities now?