53Friends 96Fans
male B. Rodriguez St., Cebu City:), Philippines
[MV] SHINee - Replay (dance version)
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.
~•27•~ feels
15 years ago
waaah.. gi.ahak..karma down nasad!!!tsk2
15 years ago 2
hahaizt.... karma down...(tears)
~•27•~ is
15 years ago
~•27•~ says
15 years ago 1
mwnin!!! :-))
~•27•~ says
15 years ago 1
A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. (cozy)
~•27•~ says
15 years ago 1
haha!!! purfle....(rock)
~•27•~ says
15 years ago
start wearing purple for me now!!! (worship)
~•27•~ says
15 years ago
bhaby GREGGsTeR!!!B-) "chupriise!!!" (LOL) hehe;-)
~•27•~ loves
15 years ago
you!!! (dance)
~•27•~ says
15 years ago