Vanessa Dances
59Friends 18Fans
female Singapore
Vanessa Leong , 15

I'm a dancer , and dancers are really strong people .
Vanessa Dances says
13 years ago
my eyes is so bloodshot & swollen , going to see doctor .
Vanessa Dances hopes
13 years ago
exams can end quickly , my brain cells are literally dying .
Vanessa Dances has
13 years ago
the worst headache thanks to the weather .
Vanessa Dances hates
13 years ago
the damn computer , sot or what .
Vanessa Dances will
13 years ago
stop studying for today , biology down & one topic of history done :-D
Vanessa Dances is
13 years ago
damn stressed !
Vanessa Dances loves
13 years ago
Monday holidays , no Monday blues .
Vanessa Dances feels
13 years ago
so demoralized .
Vanessa Dances wants
13 years ago
to sleep , studying makes me tired .
Vanessa Dances asks
13 years ago 11
continue blogging from current blog or create a new blog ?