31Friends 4Fans
6 years ago 1
Going onto redbubble to look for gifts for friends is lethal. There's so much stuff that I want to get people and also for myself!
6 years ago 2
The fireworks have started so my dog is cuddled up beside me on my bed scared out of her wits :-( My poor baby.
6 years ago
Sitting with the house in complete darkness avoiding the trick or treaters.
6 years ago 7 @Edit 6 years ago
[college/university/education] After looking at college courses on and off for the past 1-2 years, I think I've found a short course that I'm interested in enough for me to finally go??
6 years ago 1
Gotta love the feeling of asking a friend to cosplay from a series with you and they immediately agree XD

Cheshire and Red Arrow from Young Justice is now a go!
6 years ago
[cosplay] Birmingham MCM is next month and I REALLY need to get a move on and start making things!!
6 years ago 4
[Baking] My first day off after working 11 days in a row and I'm spending it baking cookies! (LOL)
I've never actually baked cookies before. Cakes, yes, but not cookies.
6 years ago 8 @Edit 6 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3KmFFt8AiUzzzoggOaVybN.png name that otp (LOL)
6 years ago 4
Yoga is one of the most popular tips when it comes to dealing with anxiety so I'm going to be doing a 30 day yoga challenge throughout September to try and get a grip on my mental state. Wish me luck fam.
6 years ago 2
One of my friends that lives in America just told me that they miss me so much and omg I'm tearing up??

I miss them so bad