37Friends 49Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
I am a dream maker who is trying to adoptive and establish the digital media design and the ergonomics on traditional Chinese opera training and performance.
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
Jobs 談人生:Just figure out what’s next.
: goo.gl/JlaL1
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
好萊塢特效公司 評估來台投資
: goo.gl/Jyju1
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
這樣看書多過癮呀~好萊塢應該來發明編劇軟體裡能讓劇作家在寫劇本時能同時配合文字適當情緒的背景音樂的話,那鐵定是創作時的一大享受呢~^^: goo.gl/pGYRY
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
Sony 的 3D 頭戴式顯示器
: goo.gl/s7SVe
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
Sony 的 3D 頭戴式顯示器是來真的,HMZ-T1 11/11 日本上市
: goo.gl/KgdP0
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
還是在紙上畫比較有感覺!Wacom 發表「Inkling」繪圖筆(影片)
: goo.gl/yHDrn
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
Nsquared 的軟體結合手機、平板、Surface 與 Kinect,還可以把你變阿湯哥咧!: goo.gl/Vd403
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
哈~哈~哈~ external.ak.fbcdn.net/sa......
Ray瑞 says
13 years ago
Steve Jobs:“It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.” [1982, quoted in Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, 1987]