55Friends 72Fans
female Denpasar, Indonesia
hight 162cm, weight 43kg, realistis, egois, ambisius, timid, like art, like manga anime and J-pop music. love my family, my friends and my self. love BALI, JAPAN and LOVE Hey! Say! JUMP

~山中 蜜子(yamanaka haniko)~
Hanikoyama714 berbagi
13 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/eb21a50c1c58582a6ba7486051329e0b.jpg Yama-chan!!!
Hanikoyama714 thinks
13 years ago
keluar dulu... :-))
Hanikoyama714 loves
13 years ago 1
Ryosuke Yamada :-D
Hanikoyama714 asks
13 years ago
gimana caranya make ini?? :-&
Hanikoyama714 says
13 years ago
kok gak ngerti ya caranya make ini??