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male New York, NY, United States
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"The Death of the Music Industry" www.TheDeathofTheMusicIndustry.com/freecd
"The 7 Golden Keys to Success in the Music Industry"
TyCohen says
13 years ago
"Always be re-investing.. Reinvesting your money, time and thoughts into the next idea, the next change, the next opportunity" - Ty Cohen
TyCohen says
13 years ago
The 50th Law of Life... Fear NOTHING!
TyCohen says
13 years ago
"While the other guy's sleeping, I'm working. While the other guy's eating, I'm working." - Will Smith, Actor, Rapper
TyCohen says
13 years ago
"The moment to start to worry about what other people think, is the moment that you've lost your most important critic"
TyCohen says
13 years ago
Nothing can drag you down if you're not holding on to it ~TonyRobbins
TyCohen says
13 years ago
"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted." - David Bly
TyCohen says
13 years ago
"Donald Trump, Bill Gates, made a billion off one idea. So every day we’re trying to brainstorm on that idea to get that billion.” - Birdman
TyCohen says
13 years ago
Can someone please tell me what did Michael Jackson do to my kids ping.fm/2rpVk
TyCohen says
13 years ago
"Without constant activity, the threats of life will soon overwhelm the values." —Jim Rohn
TyCohen says
13 years ago
"Don't always just hang around the regular crowd; you won't grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high"- Jim Rohn