393Friends 59Fans
female Moncton, NB, Canada
I am an indie yarn dyer who loves to play with all things fiber. I love to knit, spin, weave, crochet... anything with fiber makes me happy!
You can find me on artfire at Turtlepurl Yarns & Notions, Hand dyed yarn and fiber | ArtFire.co... or on etsy at turtlepurl
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 19
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been away so long, moving is crazy!!!
I got my business a Christmas present, what did you get?
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 15
Good morning! Up in my mostly empty house and covered in anxious kitties who don't know what's going on. Wish I could just explain it to them. That would be sooo much easier!
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 19
Good morning! Finding it hard to get anything done in here this morning, it's a bit of an obstacle course!
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 8
Well back home and back at the dyepots! Getting some thrum mitt kits together for the Woodstock Fiber show this weekend!
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 2
coltpixy Thanks so much Star! DH loves his snail
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 21
Well my FIL got stuck in an elevator for over 30 mins at our fancy hotel and had a panic attack. I think they will take him to the hospital now.
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 29
We bought a house!!! beta.realtor.ca/property... this will be the new headquarters of Turtlepurl yarns.
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 7
Sorry I haven't been around much guys, life has gotten insane! Leaving on Sunday for a house hunting trip to Moncton New Brunswick. I'm moving really soon!
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 4
Omg my house needs to go on the market now! It's still a huge mess!!! I need to do the living room and then the craft room first.
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 10
my first ever seasonal self-striping colorway! Bah Humbug! www.artfire.com/ext/shop...