393Friends 59Fans
female Moncton, NB, Canada
I am an indie yarn dyer who loves to play with all things fiber. I love to knit, spin, weave, crochet... anything with fiber makes me happy!
You can find me on artfire at Turtlepurl Yarns & Notions, Hand dyed yarn and fiber | ArtFire.co... or on etsy at turtlepurl
TurtlePurl asks
11 years ago 4
so I've been thinking of ways to lower my business impact on the environment and was wondering about filtering the water that I return into the sewers. Any ideas as to where to research that?
TurtlePurl shares
11 years ago 5
after listening to the yarn thing podcast this week, I've ordered a couple sets of circular needles from Indian Lake Artisans
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 3
oops had the misfortune of needing to go to staples today not thinking it was back to school time. Don't they know it's fiber show season too!
TurtlePurl shares
11 years ago
morandia I've listed the Air Force One colorway!
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 11
okay so tonight I need to make a decision on this person I will be hiring. I hope the night brings wisdom because I have so many wonderful potential people, I don't know how to choose!
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 15
An oops I had on a stripey is turning into something totally neat I think! https://images.plurk.com/xjwS-3vMwNz6ghmUBb1OBXtRAhm.jpg
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 16
Good morning! Went to see a fireworks show last night and it was really nice! Now back to work. Twist is next weekend!
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 15
Good morning! Been up since 5 or so and been pretty productive, I've booked to hotel for the show next weekend and I've dyed and re skeined a bunch of yarn. Now it's time for 2 more interviews.
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 13
Good morning! The depots are going and I'm getting ready to interview candidate #3! It's still a weird process but its getting a little easier.
TurtlePurl says
11 years ago 13
Show prep is going in full gear! I haven't had time to really go on that gradient yarn, it might have to wait a couple weeks till after I get all these stripeys dyed up first.