Hannyo [n/a]
12Friends 0Fans
Hingham, Great Britain (UK)
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago
If I have the heating off it's freezing. If I have the heating on it's too hot. I just can't win!
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago
Fortitude is the best spell!
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago
I have to make waffles this morning. I'm not sure if I'm just not awake enough yet or I plain don't want to do it.
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago 1
I wonder what I should do with the pork for dinner. I feel like something fried.
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago 9
I love how during LARP I can run into a pile of stinging nettles and not care but any other time I'll avoid huge wooded areas.
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago 4
I got someone's mail address for like an E-pen pal thing for language practice but I'm not sure what to write in the first E-mail.
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago 3
I've been doing nothing but play Touhou all day...
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago 8
I spent all day finishing the book I had to read for English but now I don't feel like doing anything.
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago 13
[cosplay] Considering money it's realistic that I'll only be able to do one new cosplay for Fushicon.
Hannyo [n/a]
13 years ago 13
[cosplay] So I need to think about what to do for Fushicon.