13Friends 45Fans
female Freeport, PA, United States
"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Bilbo Baggins
TrumpetGoddess says
13 years ago 3
The 8th annual Queer Wedding is tonight at 8!!! Be there or be square! =P
TrumpetGoddess is
13 years ago 5
in love with Wednesdays =)
TrumpetGoddess is
13 years ago
thankful that she doesn't have to deal with this housing mess
TrumpetGoddess is
13 years ago 2
officially in an apartment for next year!!!
13 years ago
doesn't wanna do work today
TrumpetGoddess is
13 years ago 1
so excited to be in the Queer Wedding! Everyone should come! It's this Thursday in the Allen Drawing Room at 8 p.m.
TrumpetGoddess is
13 years ago
going to Olive Garden tonight!!! WOOO!!!
TrumpetGoddess is
13 years ago
so ready for the weekend
TrumpetGoddess is
13 years ago
having such a busy day!
TrumpetGoddess hates
13 years ago 6
being sexiled... especially when I have a test at 8 am =(