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male Fruitland, ID, United States
TrueArsenic is
16 years ago 5
covered in dirt, grease and oil from head to toe from working on his car, and is now getting in the shower..
TrueArsenic wishes
16 years ago
he could crawl into bed with lil taco right now while she's sleeping, so he could be there when she woke up. :-)
TrueArsenic feels
16 years ago
verrrrry strongly for lil taco
TrueArsenic wonders
16 years ago 9
if he should talk like Napoleon Dynamite the whole time he's in Florida to make people think everyone from Idaho talks like that.. :-D
TrueArsenic hopes
16 years ago 8
Nicole won't throw up when she sees him. :-o
TrueArsenic is
16 years ago 2
torturing lil taco by not telling her what's gonna come first. :-)
TrueArsenic is
16 years ago 8
ready to go to Florida already :-(