49Friends 10Fans
female Charlevoix, MI, United States
Tricraftual says
12 years ago
Finally home. My half day turned into a 3/4 day, now I'm doing a few chores, then off to pick up little man and then it's me time! (dance)
Tricraftual says
12 years ago 1
going to bed, can't see out of one eye and I'm exhausted! Night (sleeping)
Tricraftual says
12 years ago 3
Good morning everyone. Happy Thursday, another day in paradise. (unsure)
Tricraftual says
12 years ago
Going to pick up little man, he's at grandma's. It's also the last day of spring break. Yeah for me boo for little man.
Tricraftual says
12 years ago
good night, lost track of time while watching Numb3rs on Netflix, good thing I only have a half day
Tricraftual says
12 years ago
little man is watching incredibles and then going to bed. I plan on having some mommy time possibly including wine.
Tricraftual says
12 years ago
I'm allready tired and ready for bed, this is not a good sign
Tricraftual says
12 years ago
cooking dinner for the fam. Corn beef, cabbage, carrots and beer bread. Yumm
Tricraftual says
12 years ago 1
good morning, today is beach day for little man at school to bad the forecast calls for rain/snow mix and a high of 40
Tricraftual says
12 years ago 1
good morning, went to church and now there's laundry and dishes to be done. Just put dinner in the crockpot so one less thing to do.