4Friends 11Fans
male Paramus, NJ, United States
Just Started.
I think nobody knows me here.

It is almost impossible to express internal world in word.
But I will keep trying to do it with bleeding in my heart.
Tomoki says
14 years ago
Good Morning, World. It is -1 degree (C), feels like -6 degree in North NJ. Blue sky, windy.
Tomoki is
14 years ago
preparing Web Meeting.
Tomoki says
14 years ago
Good Morning, World! It's 2 degree (c), feels like -2 degree (c) here.
Tomoki says
14 years ago
Good Morning, World! It's Chilly! -8 degree (C), Feels like -13 degree (C).
14 years ago
is twitter down again? Please come back!!
Tomoki says
14 years ago
Good Morning, World! Blue-sky here, but it is cold. -1 degree(C). Tomorrow it is colder. -1 highest, -7 lowest.
Tomoki says
15 years ago 2
Good Morning, World. What is your X'mas plan? We will watch a show at Radio City.
Tomoki says
15 years ago
Good Morning, World. The last day in Miami! Clear Sky, 22 degree(C), 8:00am. High:31 degree, and humidity is high.
Tomoki says
15 years ago
3rd day in Miami. I have been tired with meetings.....
Tomoki is
15 years ago 1
on thevline for "It's a Small World", now.