tingting sung
2Friends 5Fans
female Kaohsiung, Taiwan
tingting sung 期待
13 years ago
今天也要早睡 大家骨的奈~ :-)
tingting sung 期待
13 years ago 4
今天一定要早睡......希望在週末前能達到 1.早睡 2.早起 3.去晨泳 的目標
tingting sung
13 years ago
As them all said"u have to let someone out to let someone in", so, Goodbye Blackberry, Hello HTC!!!
tingting sung 覺得
13 years ago
好飽喔~~~~可是家裡還有少東從台北帶回來的老天祿跟南蠻堂~~齁~~燒肉, 滷味 與蜂蜜蛋糕 不可兼得阿!!!
tingting sung 覺得
13 years ago 1
"time" can never be enough for me........... why i still have so much need to be done even without my cellphone
tingting sung
13 years ago 10
剛剛去清點的一下 家父的藏酒 大大小小加一加 居然破百 這人之前跟我說大概“只有“50~60瓶 騙哮 馬上 查收 3瓶起來 切~~~
tingting sung
13 years ago
鍵盤與雙鏡頭 不可兼得嗎???????
tingting sung 覺得
13 years ago
山上運回來的小米酒 純度果然不同 等下就可以沈沈的睡去 ❤❤❤
tingting sung 希望
13 years ago
我的黑莓機 你快回來吧
tingting sung 覺得
13 years ago 6
收行李真是件令人感到快樂的事 :-D