Tina Godric
6Friends 2Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
10 Years old on SL
Tina Godric says
13 years ago 1
really has a good family now and like 2 moms they are sisters
Tina Godric says
13 years ago 1
I am on trial with a new mom :-)
Tina Godric says
13 years ago 1
It's Friday yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Tina Godric says
13 years ago 1
like really feeling sick this cold sucks maybe sleep will like help nite everyone
Tina Godric says
13 years ago
kitties killed a gecko in the house and like left it on the floor
Tina Godric says
13 years ago
good morning plurk
Tina Godric says
13 years ago
nite plurk
Tina Godric says
13 years ago
blah mondays
Tina Godric says
13 years ago 3
nite plurk
Tina Godric says
13 years ago
sl wont let me in, every time I like log in it drops me back out.