71Friends 38Fans
male Pitesti, Romania
A wannabe problogger and social media connoisseur. You can find me blogging down at www.lostartofblogging.com
TibiPuiu is
16 years ago 2
back from last night's Metallica concert in Bucharest. Badass is the word of the day!
16 years ago
Mandela's B-Day message: Rich should help poor digg.com/world_news/Mand...
16 years ago
'Morning' everyone. A bit early, it's only 3 PM lol
TibiPuiu is
16 years ago
reading through his reader and though digg submissions. bored and with not desire to work at all :-D
16 years ago
I'm so back with old kinds of news. I guess you can say I'm kinda 'retarded' from this point of view :-D
16 years ago 1
had another long encounter with bureaucracy today, after I spent about 3 hours and a good amount of money to fill in my college papers.
TibiPuiu has
16 years ago 4
spent the whole day without ONE cigarette. I can't resist the urge anymore, I'm off to plug one. I'm a weakling, I know.
16 years ago 1
apparently Digg.com has reverted it's algorithm with 2 days+ old submissions still in upcoming. more here digg.com/odd_stuff/Submi...
16 years ago
my lungs are all messed up from 10 hours of non stop swimming and tanning in the sun. They hurt like hell!
16 years ago
if you're plurking and twittering the same time, why should I follow you on both services?