0Friends 10Fans
male Denver, CO, United States
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
What are you working on? ow.ly/aVP2r doesitmatter TFuse
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
Art to beautify communities. FreelandArtsFest TFuse _frontandcentre Artists helping joelongophoto and beggarsdream
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
Hey, Yahoo! I can be your CEO and not suck. Lack of tech experience is not the issue. I'd start with the culture. change TFuse
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
Thank you Mom. I love you. Much love and gratitude to all the awesome Mommies out there!
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
Prepare all you want, but life isn't a plan. inspiredideas TFuse
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
Presenteeism KILLS! ow.ly/aQSeE CultureRx ROWE TFuse
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
Give up already. ow.ly/aQeSh happiness TFuse
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
2 billion! ow.ly/aQ0ZZ fortunefortified nutrition TFuse
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
Think of the last moment that had you laughing your @$$ off. laughmore TFuse
ThoughtFusion says
12 years ago
Discover what you love and go kick ass at it. ow.ly/aPimr followyourbliss TFuse