55Friends 35Fans
male Liverpool, Great Britain (UK)
Foto di atas bukan saya yah..
saya terlalu kemayu dengan wajah seperti itu :-D
Explosions in the Sky - Remember Me as a Time of Day
Tikko likes
11 years ago
damn you Blake Shelton! (applause)
Tikko likes
11 years ago
Tikko asks
11 years ago 1
apa kesamaan Blake Shelton dan Robin Thicke? | sama-sama mandi keringat ketika performs di...
Tikko says
11 years ago
And I wonder if I ever cross your miiiiiiiinnnnd.......? For me it happens all the time.
Tikko asks
11 years ago 10
to my sist balaclava23 please help me with this --> Standard Chartered Card thanks for favore
Tikko says
11 years ago 9
In memory of 96 brothers & sisters who travelled to Hillsborough 24 years ago but never returned. Gone but never ever be forgotten. #JFT96
Tikko likes
12 years ago
“Yeah. It’s just for a moment there, it was like everything was alright in the world again. Seemed like old times.” –Hank https://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/s480x480/735210_10151553466855844_152477894_n.jpg
Tikko feels
12 years ago
linimasa hanya diisi ocehan balaclava23 dan elgo sajaa (morning)
Tikko feels
12 years ago
(smileydance) karena VSAT sudah dipasaaang, no more banned websites enimorreeee.