18Friends 4Fans
female Rockford, IL, United States
Funny sweet, sour. Hormonal and sometimes cheezy. Stressed and loves tacos
TheMadamJ says
15 years ago 4
there is a pumpkin cheesecake in the oven...yum
TheMadamJ says
15 years ago 5
Al just put himself to weird
TheMadamJ shares
15 years ago 5
TheMadamJ says
15 years ago 3
wow...plurk is so dead right now...
TheMadamJ shares
15 years ago 5 The Mini Naked Chef...Today's episode...Sugar cookies
TheMadamJ says
15 years ago 16
will be getting new shoes for the child. this should be "fun"
TheMadamJ says
15 years ago 10
Have a maternity interview today. You know, go to the hospital, fill out the admissions paperwork ahead of time. We are taking Alex with us.
TheMadamJ says
15 years ago 8
Happy Dance!!!
TheMadamJ says
15 years ago 3
Where is every one?