Oh and I start collage January 3rd! WOOT
(Who I think removed me) is doing just as well xD Sorry for spamming Plurk <3 <3 <3
of you xD Hopefully Miya and her husband are doing good, Lara and Dante are doing well, Killoper will stop cutting himself D=< and tsubaki
Then I just walked off and the dream ended. Anyway, I want everyone who's friends with me to know that I'm still around and care about all
and 5 o' clock shadow. We hit it off really well, I shook his hand, he gave me a great big smile and I told him best of luck with Lara xD
a while but for some reason couldn't see her? I only knew it was her by her voice. Dante was a 6'2 Asian, with long black metal head hair,
In another Halo tournament, and had the weirdest dream ever: Basically Me, Dante, and Lara were all the the tournament. I spoke to Lara for
Just got back to my house after staying with my friend Greg for a week, I had tons of fun, got to see a lot of my old friends, came in 2nd