william sitting with Moka and Sophia as he watches an egg hatch ahh my darling children getting a warm towel cleaning the babies as they hatch Sophia, can I name the youngest boy? looking 2 boys and a girl
david in the sky kingdom talking with princess Haruka mainly pissing her off calling her cute and being a “slow old man” just to annoy her more you know I wish my grandchildren where as lively as you dear! They are always so moody and getting into trouble!
Nuirel comes home empty handed, upset and tired going into the crypt he sits infront of the Statue of Astrid looking calm and happy what did I do wrong. I wish you where here to help...did I do wrong...he coils himself in a tight ball....I shouldent of grown attached to anybody
ren and aketchi gets to a town on then border of the badlands this place looks good to settle. seeing traders enter and leave the town, buildings getting built we should see how much it costs to get a house built for us
Velona and Marina having been transferd to a elite private school The girls looking beautiful in there uniforms Marinas breasts now huge and fully developed but her attitude to males has changed now more cynical and mean to them. Her short skirt easily reviling her underwear to boys. Only to beat them when they look at her. Her legs go on forever
days pass Yu healing looking more healthier each day but his mental illness stays the same, his depression varrying day to day. Anxiety high. Nightmares not stopping and suffers from PTSD as he refuses to leave Melenos side. A messenger pidgon lands on the window as it cops, Yu seeing it and freaking out yelling and scrambling away from it NO THEY ARE
days pass the whole kingdom at the royal cyrpt Vandgar in the glass coffen being taken into the cyrpt. statues of dead royal family memebers line the crypt, Vandgar being lowerd into a hole and a statue of vandgar looking brave and regal being pushed over the hole. being buried beteween William the first and Astrid the first the entire royal family
a week passes marius things all packed as he moves all his stuff mostly boxing gear all by himself to Remus house
24 hours pass after the poisoning Tyrion bringing up some soup for them here you go boys eat up...Prima made it, its safe I promise Marius smiles thanks dad
tyrion checking over Marius the son, Marius white like Prima but with grey eyes not fully albino well Mari you are a healthy young man... I’m worried that if you keep boxing though you will lose more teeth! marius looks down a bandage on top of his right eye but I enjoy it tyrion sighs can you please be more carefully! You only have 3 sets of teeth!