22Friends 58Fans
male Cake Town, Hell County, New Sodom, Canada
TheCheese is
14 years ago 4
alive, sorry about the extended absence. He's back in ontario for the time being as well.
TheCheese is
14 years ago
just so fucking angry right now. And no, he isn't going to elaborate.
TheCheese is
14 years ago 3
having wireless issues,
TheCheese loves
14 years ago 1
USS - Hollowpoint Sniper Hyperbole
14 years ago 1
says Soon your sugar daddies will all be gone. You'll wake up some cold day and find you're alone.
TheCheese is
14 years ago
listening to Tom Waits
TheCheese is
14 years ago 17
listening to Bowling For Soup - The Girl All The Bad Guys Want.
TheCheese says
14 years ago 1
But it's on the table, the fire is cooking. And they're farming babies while the slaves are working.
TheCheese is
14 years ago
gonna go work out, and do some laundry before work. Peace everyone.
TheCheese is
14 years ago
enjoying yummy pasta, and really doesn't want to work tonight. Stupid work.