22Friends 58Fans
male Cake Town, Hell County, New Sodom, Canada
TheCheese is
14 years ago
tired, and off to work.
TheCheese says
14 years ago 3
god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference
TheCheese is
14 years ago 3
still alive, so unfortunately is his building, and he resisted the urge to call into work sick citing a traumatic event. Hooray.
TheCheese says
14 years ago 9
so I woke up to my building being on fired. No seriously, my fucking building was ON FIRE.
TheCheese shares
14 years ago 13 please vote for my teacher and chef Amber Anderson to help her earn 10,000 for safe affordable housing in Vancouver!
TheCheese is
14 years ago
gonna WoW while he waits for the school to open.
14 years ago 6
so I walked into the coffee shop this morning, and as soon as I walked in they started playing the superman song by crash test dummies. <3
TheCheese is
14 years ago 4
off to work, then party tomorrow. Yaaaay for work socials
TheCheese says
14 years ago 1
when mother calls, you should go. When nature calls, you'd *better* go.
TheCheese says
14 years ago 2
"Science and Mother Nature are in a marriage where Science is always surprised to come home and find Mother Nature blowing the neighbor."