All alone at home and I have no voice. This isn't creepy or anything...
Oda O-Ichi-- One way to make pink scary
Unable to speak due to laryngitis. I can only make guttural grunts and squeaks... FML
Dad wants to throw away printer I BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. I cannot express my dismay properly since my voice is fucked up from a cold. FML
Second visit to the doctor for stomach issues in the last two months. This is really getting out if hand
The question is, what's more epic? The Masamune or the Crimson Scourge?
Why does my mother want me to be raped and have a rape baby? It's a little sick to think she's that desperate for me to be straight...
While writing DateSana Trillian crashed as I tried to highlight Masamune's Engrish. Trillian, indeed, could not put it's guns on.
At IHOP. New phone bg of datemura acquired. Day complete.