So many TV show, so little time...
Nice weather today... Hmm... What to do... What to do...
回台北了... 不過大後天又要去安克拉治, 紐約, 西雅圖...
突然想起小時候仁愛國小福利社裡面賣的"菜包"還有"油條"... 有人知道哪裡還有再賣這兩樣東西嗎? 菜包其實是炸的有咬勁的麵糰裡面應該是蘿蔔吧... 還是蔥... 忘記了... 好懷念...
又休了一個禮拜的假... 禮拜天要去LA吃韓國shabu shabu拉~~~~~
Nice weather today~ Going out to enjoy the sun~
I just realized I'll never make enough money to buy all the things I want...