79Friends 280Fans
female Australia
Tateru shares
12 years ago 3
Relay For Life of Second Life Raises 1.5 Million US Dollars bit.ly/KiPf7v
Tateru shares
12 years ago 4
Space Gift: NASA Gets Two New Hubble Telescopes for Free ti.me/LsDBWL
Tateru shares
12 years ago 1
The tracts of our tiers The tracts of our tiersThe tracts of our tiers - Inara's companion piece to mine.
Tateru shares
12 years ago 20
Shed me no tiers bit.ly/JR26Yw - a double-header with Inara Pey
Tateru shares
12 years ago 4
You are the controller. Again. bit.ly/LbhlfO
Tateru says
12 years ago 10
Did Google just bump up the rankings of IPv6 sites in search results, or is that my imagination? It sure looks a bit like it.
Tateru shares
12 years ago 1
The E3 event horizon bit.ly/NdW89N
Tateru shares
12 years ago
Dwarf Fortress 0.38.11 released bit.ly/KbykgC
Tateru shares
12 years ago
Dear Bethesda/Zenimax, please hire Peter Hollens bit.ly/KJwnwo
Tateru shares
12 years ago 5
Subtle signs bit.ly/KJv3tu