and for some odd reason ill be helping out at YOG...
off till thursday night!!!! weeeeeeee....but everyones prob busy..ah well...better than nth..:X
ok....time to go...SC2 was awesome....and C/D/F are all somewhat learned on e guitar....lets see what next week holds~
protip when driving from a certain taxi driver- drive with care and concern...not to appease that %^&# driving instructor....
grr.....I must keep trying....again..and again...and again...and again....
fare thee well...may you all have a good rest of the week~
I'm your pain when you can't feel....I'm YOU - me to myself~
ok ok im really going to sleep now...stupid phone bill made me wake up cuz i suddenly rmb it :X nite nite~
how can I be lost...when I've got nowhere to go....