4Friends 3Fans
male Singapore
Sunny loves playing eletronic devices and
he is P5!
Always bored.....
Love playing psp and watching vedio the most!
Espically love his blue psp 3000!!!
Currently have sn and have over 40 friends in msn!
His e-mail is [email protected]!
Sunny is
15 years ago
about to sleep
Sunny is
15 years ago 1
tried of the tution he had yesterday
Sunny is
15 years ago
:-)) :-))thinking of a way to increase his karma
Sunny says
15 years ago
that killing time is over
Sunny loves
15 years ago
his psp!
Sunny is
15 years ago
killing time by playing facebook
15 years ago
found his picture on plurk for a long time and decided to put it as a profile.~SO CUTE~(Yida say one)LOL!
Sunny thinks
15 years ago
that plurk buddy is report on things.Not his friend.Plurk buddy is a worker who has create plurk...That everyone know him
Sunny wonders
15 years ago
who is plurk buddy