14Friends 8Fans
male Perth, Australia
prevention is better than curing...

Steinbone20 says
15 years ago
u're da 1 dat i really wants to lose muderfuker..hahaha
Steinbone20 says
15 years ago 14
15 years ago
kaki knan gw mati rasa men..fck fck fck..i dunno weder i go back to KL or dmmit (doh)
15 years ago
just woke up,n need an oxy.
Steinbone20 wants
15 years ago
n really wants everybody leave him alone fo' the unspecified time.. (nottalking)
Steinbone20 was
15 years ago
pissed..i gotta quit being a smoker..even cigar..i'm serious.. (angry) (tears)
Steinbone20 says
15 years ago
hi pple..i just woke up..happy fasting smuanyaa..smangattt... (rock)
Steinbone20 is
15 years ago 2
not trust anyone..even his fvckin muppeeeett friends..hahaha.. (bringit) 1 by 1..
Steinbone20 feels
15 years ago 2
his braces too tight..damn..gk bs makan,suffering gr" braces..taik bgt.. (doh)
Steinbone20 feels
15 years ago
jakarta hot as hell..(angry)