43Friends 280Fans
female Great Falls, MT, United States
I am a District Manager for Pink Papaya!
Everytime I go to work it's a PaRtY!!!

I'm also a USAF wife to a TSgt and "mommy" to a 3yr old who is the love of my life!
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ says
15 years ago 3
goodnight/morning my plurky pals...if I miss you later, have a fabulous weekend!!!
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ says
15 years ago 2
(wave) what have I missed???
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ says
15 years ago 3
hi gang! just a quick back later after errands to be social! (yahoo)
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ says
15 years ago
see you all tomorrow...night!
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ says
15 years ago
hiya plurkie people (wave)
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ is
15 years ago 1
deplurking for a few hours...goodnight!
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ says
15 years ago 1
almost time for my Pink Papaya "leaders" conference back later tonight! (wave)
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ shares
15 years ago 2 Fun & Funky or wierd and don't make?
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ says
15 years ago 3
good afternoon plurk~ville!
Stefini~♥.:.♥~ says
15 years ago 12
happy sunday plurkie plurks!