120Friends 18Fans
at rainbows end, United States
PP All Friend Requests
29 yrs and older
This is an Adult timeline!!

Starry Starry Night
Don McLean
Starry Starry Night

Bad Things
Bad Things ~~ Jace Everett
time to werk 2aek.com/inventory/emoti... distract me if you can :-P
who kept me up so late last night (: ... i must sleep nao .. cuddles anyone (cozy) (K)
Good Morning Plurkville!! pic.pimg.tw/miriam00/4ab...
Please Welcome TheNerd to the madness that is my timeline www.pic4ever.com/images/...
does anyone know a TheNerd <---- this one would like to join us here
Good Knyte Plurkville! http://30.media.tumblr.c... (cozy) (K)
it's that time again 2aek.com/inventory/emoti... distract me if you can :-P