7Friends 37Fans
female NV, United States
Starhawk says
15 years ago
One good thing today (knocks wood), the car only needed a jump and not a brand new $70 battery.
Starhawk says
15 years ago
2 scarces & 2 ancients starved in their transport boxes. That's 4 down & 8 to go.
Starhawk says
15 years ago
I have a new mouse finally, yayyy (applause)
Starhawk says
15 years ago 3
gmail is down, how exciting (annoyed)
Starhawk says
15 years ago 6
I am awake (nottalking)
Starhawk says
15 years ago 2
to end this day from hell, my mouse is toast (tears)
Starhawk says
15 years ago 2
people astound me. I wonder how many don't realize you are supposed to break up with your current SO BEFORE you hook up with someone else
Starhawk has
15 years ago
been awake since 4:30am, it's now time for a nap. (sleeping)
Starhawk thinks
15 years ago 3
it's time to try and get some sleep.
Starhawk has
15 years ago 2
insomnia and has had a headache for 3 days. I am just not a happy camper :'-(