118Friends 30Fans
female New Hampshire, United States
Name: Roxy - She/Her

Bakugou Katsuki | MHA/BNHA -
Uraraka Ochako | MHA/BNHA -
: Tonight is just a simple teabag of chamomile. Just to be warm, cozy, and help me sleep tonight.
: Forgive my slowness, the low temps are sapping my will to live beyond the confines of my blankie nest.
: https://images.plurk.com/qUtrbQaQA6agD7bM02lnP.png https://images.plurk.com/517AmMuuv2x1QgZH5y99oO.png THESE TWO CRACK ME UP SO MUCH.
Good noon PLURK, I made some yummy instant ramen. https://images.plurk.com/4BQTvgTPtKmPtlHF1u9bdq.jpg
[work]: Dear god this day is DRAGGING by...
Morning plurk, I bought a new knit sweater a few days ago (along with some other sweaters, camies, and a hoodie) and the one I’m wearing today is so soft and warm...