thinking that it would be a Weekend from Hell, but I got to put in a good solid afternoon/evening of work, and Operation Marketpoop is down to 15 listings remaining. 15!!
just finished an emergency repackaging of every demo in the store. Put me a little behind tonight on Operation Marketpoop, but I am over the halfway mark tonight. Only 103 listings to go. yay.
As I slowly lose my sanity to Operation Marketpoop, I imagine the swirly loading icon on my browser to be a floaty skull singing "The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out..."
Phase 1 of Operation Marketpoop underway, deleting old listings 20 seconds at a time. No you can't have a bulk delete option because that would take effort on our part, guys. Effort.
I can hardly believe it. All the vendors are done. The store is 95% done. All that's left is my eternal foe, the Marketpoop store, and I can get to making more pretties.