125Friends 440Fans
female Penang, Malaysia
Trying to be a better person and contribute to this world to change it for the better and to help those in need.

-This is My Suicide-
Mar!ssa shares
8 months ago my sister's recovering from gastric sleeve surgery. She's trying to keep fluids down, and they are getting her to move bit by bit. She's alright apart from being anaemic. They are going to give her a transfusion.
Mar!ssa says
8 months ago 5
update: after medical checks, although my uric acid is a little high, my foot pain is not Gout but plantar fasciitis. So I have to stop walking up the hill for exercise and may need special footware for work for better support since I stand all day.
Mar!ssa says
9 months ago 2
guess what? I have Gout. Explains why my foot hurts so bad (doh)
Mar!ssa says
9 months ago 2
I saw a chiropractor to treat my sciatica pain and it was the most intense pain I ever felt! Now my butt is all bruised
Mar!ssa asks
9 months ago
why does it take 24 hours to fully charge a 1 sonicare toothbrush?!?!!!!
Mar!ssa asks
10 months ago 2
side note : my Samsung still turns on random apps and stuff in my pocket even with pocket mode on. It's kinda irritating, especially when it keeps entering the random passcodes. Do you guys know how to fix this?
Mar!ssa says
10 months ago 1
dad's in the hospital to remove a carbuncle at the back of his neck. He'll likely get discharged soon, but I am worried about healing that open wound. Since he is diabetic, his wounds heal really slow
Mar!ssa is
10 months ago 4
having coffee at my uncle's. Always checking up on him because he keeps falling down thanks to his Parkinson's. He fell getting up from bed and scarped his head against the wall.
10 months ago 2
"Expectations without communication are resentment in the making" I gotta remember that