14Friends 23Fans
female Uniontown, OH, United States
Sorka asks
15 years ago 1
Oh, is Plurk still here? heheheh
Sorka asks
16 years ago 2
Please vote for me to win a Wii tinyurl.com/65mq88
16 years ago 2
Knows a little how Barrack Obama feels, she is now the president elect of the knitting guild!
Sorka asks
16 years ago
Is Kraftie really studying? We are having fun!
Sorka is
16 years ago
weighing the pros and cons of a move to Canada... yikes
Sorka is
16 years ago
trying to clean the house in the cat aftermath.. we had to adopt out 3 cats today..sigh
Sorka is
16 years ago
waiting to see if the virus scanner will kill the nasty!
Sorka is
16 years ago
trying to frog a computer virus that wants to steal my Paypal info! X-(