63Friends 56Fans
male Frankfort, MI, United States
Life is just a series of strange encounters and chance meetings...well, and then there's always sex!
15 years ago 2
This was my quick pit stop, but I need to be going! I could plurk from the iPhone, but Im really busy today...catch ya all later taters :-)
15 years ago 5
iPhone apps are cool! I loaded some free ones that rock! (banana_rock)
SoSolitary is
15 years ago 1
lick it drink it suck it or suck it lick it drink it? To hell with it I will just drink it!
15 years ago 4
Well shit I reached Nirvana and didnt even know it? Yay for me!
15 years ago 3
Yeah, 5 hours sleep should be enough?
SoSolitary has
15 years ago
anybody seen the film The Amateurs? I watched it lastnight and found it quite funny!
15 years ago
WTF happened? Lastnight its pouring down rain and 46 out...I wake up and its 14 and snow? This was the Wooley Mammoth's fate I believe?
15 years ago 2
New socks on a cold ass day is like warm bread with butter on it!
15 years ago 2
It goes from three feet of snow to 46 and rain to 21 and snow all in 24 hours? Just crazy!
15 years ago 8
I ordered a pepperoni, black olive and shrimp pizza on whole wheat crust and people seem to take issue with shrimp on pizza? Comments???