55Friends 14Fans
female Phoenixville, PA, United States
Living in the very cool unincorporated village of Port Providence, PA with 2 cats a dog a husband and a lovely daughter. Knitting, sewing, crafting, reading and watching scary movies all day long! Or, when I don't have to work, that is...
Snippit hates
13 years ago
her old iPod. The darn thing is starting to go out on me and I have to do the reset trick again... sigh may be time to upgrade!
Snippit feels
13 years ago 6
like I'm going to run out of vacation time again before half the year is done. Suddenly I have more appointments than I can handle.
Snippit is
13 years ago 2
at least happy to have the County Wicklow :-) Didn't think I'd make it out alive with that!
Snippit is
13 years ago 3
Cartjacked AGAIN!
Snippit is
13 years ago
miffy that she has to run out at lunch b/c it cuts into her knitting time. These socks won't knit themselves!
Snippit has
13 years ago 3
to do this awful social media dashboard for work. I wouldn't mind if we actually did anything but these numbers are miniscule!
Snippit wishes
13 years ago 1
everyone a happy and safe Friday the 13th!
Snippit is
13 years ago 1
going to get the kiddo in the shower. She and the man are fighting like little kids!
Snippit is
13 years ago
getting the heck out of work, finally... Home to some supper and more knitting blanket squares (will they never be done???)
Snippit will
13 years ago
be at our awesome Colonial Theater tomorrow night for a screening of Friday the 13th part VII! Can't wait! www.thecolonialtheatre.c...