957Friends 380Fans
male Sacramento, CA, United States
Blogger, entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant and recording artist. I make money online and teach others how to do the same. I blog at
SmartBoy says
11 years ago
SmartBoy says
11 years ago
240 people want to be my friend on Foursquare. Unfortunately, the system has a limit of friends. I'm
SmartBoy says
11 years ago
Olympic time. No pressure Michael.
SmartBoy says
11 years ago
Jimmy Fallon is hilarious.
SmartBoy says
11 years ago
Demi Lovato, I'm waiting for you to come on stage and sing me a lullaby.
SmartBoy asks
11 years ago
if you would spare a vote today? influencers.smallbiztren...
SmartBoy says
12 years ago
SmartBoy says
12 years ago
Men In Black 3 was superb. Go see it.
SmartBoy says
12 years ago
Most people are out for themselves. Seems that's why we can't seem to get much of anything accomplished or agreed upon at times.
SmartBoy says
12 years ago
How do you put yourself into a productive mood?